

PLEASE NOTE: The Organizations listed below are well known and active in fighting against Bias, Prejudice, Bigotry and Social Injustice. There are many others, but these are our favorites.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

This historic civil rights organization works to eliminate racial discrimination and ensure political, educational, social, and economic equality for all. They advocate for criminal justice reform, economic justice, and educational equity.

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

The SPLC monitors hate groups and other extremist organizations, and works to expose their activities. They also provide legal representation to victims of hate crimes and discrimination.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

The ACLU defends individual liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, including freedom of speech, religion, and the press. They work on issues like racial justice, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ rights.

Human Rights Watch (HRW)

This international non-governmental organization conducts research and advocacy work to protect human rights globally. They investigate human rights abuses, and pressure governments and other actors to take action. Their areas of focus include armed conflict, children's rights, and discrimination.

National Urban League (NUL)

The NUL works to empower African Americans and other minorities to secure economic self-sufficiency and civil rights. They focus on issues like job training, fair housing, and educational opportunities.


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