

Bond - May 6, 2024

How diversity challenges prejudice and promotes understanding in Scotland - Article discussing historical perspectives of racial prejudice and discrimination in Scotland, and what is being done to address it in modern days...

Good Men Project - May 5, 2024

The Dark Side of AI in Education: Are Students Losing Their Critical Thinking Skills? - Interesting article regarding how prevalent AI is becoming in Education and more...

ESPN - May 4, 2024

Alonso accuses F1 stewards of bias following Miami GP sprint incident - Fernando Alonso, an F1 Driver, accuses after an incident on Saturday in Miami...

Forward - May 3, 2024

Leading Jewish groups boycott Education Dept. antisemitism meeting - Several Jewish organizations, as well as other activist groups, declined to meet with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona in light of recent antisemitic protests...

Daily Wire - May 2, 2024

House Republicans Seek NPR CEO Testimony About Liberal Bias Allegations - Katherine Maher, CEO of National Public Radio (NPR), has been requested to testify regarding left-wing bias at the network...


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