

The following books are available on Amazon. This section will be updated Perodically, emphasizing materials that associate with Bias, Prejudice, Critical Thinking & Bigotry. Please note that when purchased through here, a commission will be paid to Sandrift, thus enabling us to continue our efforts.

Systemic Racism and Educational Measurement

Confronting Injustice in Testing, Assessment, and Beyond

Systemic Racism and Educational Measurement provides a theoretical and historical reckoning with racism and oppression produced through educational measurement and research methodology. As scholars and professionals in the testing, measurement, and assessment of human learning and performance work to exorcise race sciences, white supremacy, and other injustices from the field’s research and practice...

By - Michael Russell

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation Bias: Inside Washington's War Over the Supreme Court, from Scalia's Death to Justice Kavanaugh

In this book, the Chief Washington Correspondent for the New York Times provides a richly detailed, news-breaking, and conversation-changing look at the unprecedented political fight to fill the Supreme Court seat made vacant by Antonin Scalia’s death—using it to explain the paralyzing and all but irreversible dysfunction across all three branches in the nation’s capital.


By - Carl Hulse

Critical Race Theory (3rd Edition)

Critical Race Theory (Third Edition): An Introduction (Critical America Book 20) 3rd Edition, Kindle Edition

As a field, critical race theory has taken note of all these developments, and this primer does so as well. It not only covers a range of emerging new topics and events, it also addresses the rise of a fierce wave of criticism from right-wing websites, think tanks, and foundations, some of which insist that America is now colorblind and has little use for racial analysis and study.

By - Jean Stefanic


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