"Colister E. Sandrift"


As the writer of this book, I can openly state that I have had an amazing life. I have traveled to several countries of our world, been to the top of Pikes Peak in Colorado, and lived under the ocean’s surfaces for 70 days at a time. I have driven farm tractors, and I have operated Nuclear Propulsion Systems. I have been instrumental in technologies’ development from the Internet, to helping diagnose prenatal conditions that could be addressed before another life enters our world. I have even kissed the famous “Blarney Stone” in Ireland. I have seen, experienced and done things most cannot imagine.

In addition to my travels and other adventures, I was also able to obtain a B.S. in Education while serving our military. To the best of my knowledge, I am the first in my family to do so. What is more important to me, however, were the areas of Psychology included in the curriculum. This is where I learned the concept of Critical Thinking. This simple process helped me see the world in a different way, and if you try it, chances are you will too.

As is the case with all living things, my time here will be coming to an end soon. Instead of fearing whatever is next though, I have chosen to use my remaining days reflecting on my own personal journey, and then openly sharing the results. During my 60+ years, I have seen people at their best, and I have also seen them at their worst. What I have observed is that bias and misinformation (disinformation) are usually at the root of most all societal problems. I have learned that we react to what we hear and see (perception), and do not act on what is real (perspective). This does not make us good or bad. It simply means that we become whatever we (or others) perceive us to be - instead of who we truly are.

Why Do I Hate You? (-and why I don’t!) is one of many efforts I have undertaken with regards to helping others. It is the first of many such books that won’t give answers, but instead invites you to find them for yourself. We are all unique, thus an answer for one will generally not apply to someone else. In other words:

When you muster the courage to ask the tough questions, the answers you find will belong to you - and to you alone.


Hope (AI)







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© 2024 Colister E. Sandrift